9861 Leslie St, Unit #201,
Richmond Hill, L4B 3Y4
+1 866-839-7263

Restaurant and Hospitality Social Media

Restaurant & Hospitality
Social Media

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What do we do?

E-commpro trains the employees of restaurants and hospitality ventures to explore the new ways of promoting their business on social media. Restaurants and hospitality are one of the most demanding and competitive environments. In the cyber age it is vital for any business to grow in the terms of technology, to be socially aware and to be noticed on social media.

E-commpro can help your employees become the driving force of all the social media attention your restaurant receives. Our goal is to deliver the practices to you to boost your customer reach by maximizing your social media presence. We aim to make your staff the demonstrator of your specialties and lure the customers from wide and far.

Our training is composed of modules which can be helpful in making your staff aware and acquaintance with social media. Being on social media does not gain any profits to your business but keeping it updated and making your presence felt does a huge amount of profit. We help you create, manage and update your social media, website and channels. It is important to know all the tricks of social media in order to beat your competitors.


Our training comprises of all aspects of the social media. We teach you how to create, manage and update your own website, social media accounts, blogs, events and youtube channels.  

Search Engine Optimization

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In this module we train you on how to make your website trending on google. The effective way to write content using right keywords and metatags. In-page and Off-page optimization and how to improve your websites google rank and visibility. SEO is vital to keep your website in the limelight of social media.

SEO Guide

Learn the basics about search engine optimization. What is SEO? How does it help improve your website? How to get better analysis report?

Keywords and citations

Learn how to use the right keywords in order to be easily encountered on search engines. The right keywords and the combination of the right keywords can get your website listed on the first page of all search engines.

Higher ranking on search engines

Discover what is a google rank? How to rank higher on search engines? 

Google Maps

Learn to help people locate you easily. Rank your restaurant higher on google maps.

Social Media

We teach you to create and timely update your social media accounts. The types of social media, ways to manage the accounts, how to promote and how to get noticed on social media. Learn how to gain popularity by displaying events, menu, offers and reviews of your restaurant.

Create social media accounts

Learn to setup all kids of influential social media accounts that give a boost to your business.

Social Media Content

Learn how to write effective social media content that can make you more visible.

Increase in number of followers

Learn how to attract 1000’s of followers worldwide.

Bloggers meet

Indulge in connecting with multiple food bloggers who can spread a word on your behalf and attract all their followers.


Promotions are very essential for restaurants. The most efficient means of promoting is the social media. We teach you the hacks of promoting the right content in an alluring manner.

Facebook Ads

Learn to look for the right people and save their profiles so that you can target them for faster response.

Seasonal offers

It is very important to update your offers according to the seasons and festivals. We teach how to use the right promotions on the right time through a proper medium.

Email Marketing

One of the efficient ways is to stay connected with your customers through email or e-newsletters. You learn how to maintain a record of clients database based on their choices.

Our goal is to make your restaurant famous!

Join us today to increase your customer base!


$ 6000

  • 220 HOURS


Presentation is the Key!

I truly recommend you to enroll in this training to bloom your already established business worldwide with e-commpro. Not only are we professional and trustworthy, we believ in results!