9861 Leslie St, Unit #201,
Richmond Hill, L4B 3Y4
+1 866-839-7263


E-commerce website training is the major technology which is becoming extremely viable for business and also very convenient for consumers. eCommercePro will help small-medium company to build and grow a profitable online store. Meanwhile, this course introduces the learner to various topologies used within e-commerce, the infrastructure required and security needed to make e-commerce possible.

Understand key concepts and trends associated with e-commerce and online business.
Apply leading tools, techniques and best practices in customer service.
Study what industry leaders do to produce superior business results.

Learn the best practices for conducting e-commerce and online business.
Gain the skills and experience needed to succeed in e-commerce and online business as a practitioner, manager, leader or entrepreneur.

  • See how industry leaders produce superior online business and e-commerce results.
  • Study strategic, operational and resource requirements of online business management.
  • Understand the skills required on an online business team.
  • Use key performance indicators to measure and manage performance.
  • Work as part of a team to address management issues.

Course Duration: 140 Hours

Cost: $5299 + HST





eCommercePro provides Film Making Course specially designed for those students desire to be a professional film maker or only want to learn film direction but additionally also want to acquire a specialized knowledge of all the technical skills that are used in film making. Participants on the course will learn about the collaborative nature of filmmaking, working as a team with their peers. They will learn to combine technical skills with visual communication and narrative storytelling, developing stories into scripts and then shooting their films with professional actors.

When taking our course, students can learn the following:

Director’s Craft Production Workshop Hands-on Camera and Lighting
Editing Budgeting and Scheduling Sound Editing and Design
Sound Design The Lighting Package Hands-on Camera and Lighting – Digital Video
Special Lectures The Camera Package Documentary Filmmaking
Casting Advanced Directing Advanced Hands-on Camera
Producing Feature Screenwriting Location Sound Recording
Cinematography Sync-Sound Filmmaking Advanced Production Workshop
35mm Filmmaking Feature Film Directing Pre-Production, Production & Post-Production
New Media Advanced Post Production Sound Stage Scene Workshop
Screenwriting I Screenwriting II Advanced Line Producing Workshop
Production Design Applied Film Studies The Business of Filmmaking

Course Duration: 70 Hours

Cost: $6500 CAD

What you’ll learn
Design a professional hotel website with FREE professional hotel theme
How to create complete hotel website with online booking facility and reservation
how to create rooms, room services in hotel rooms with conditions and manage them
How to create blogs to get real organic traffic without paid promotion
how to add restaurant menu in website ( Offline Menu ) as well as ( Online Ordering system )
Managing both Hotel Booking and Restaurant Orders
Creating Booking / Orders manually and configuring payment gateways for both hotel and restaurant
How to convert visitors easily into booking with marketing automation
editing pages like terms and conditions , privacy policy and other legal pages
Creating app without coding for both android and ios platforms
Visually customizing wordpress CSS without coding / changing css like text, images, animations, etc
Integrate booking systems like Hotel World, Booking, Airbnb or Trip Advisor or any other affiliate booking
Adding social logins to website like Google and Facebook logins
Add Ecommerce Platform with Woocommerce and Sell products / food items
creation of seasonal pricing and weekly pricing of hotel rooms
Customize Booking email templates and restaurant email templates

Course Duration: 70 Hours

Cost: $6000 CAD

What you’ll learn

Know a proven way to sell coaching or consulting services through Free Consultations
Understand exactly what to do (and the order to do it) on Free Consultations to ensure more prospective clients say Yes
Stop giving away valuable time and expertise to prospective clients
Know 27 different ways to attract prospects into free consultations
Stop cold-calling as a way to get clients
Stop waiting around for prospective clients to get back to you with an answer
Know how to fine-tune your sales process so your closing rate keeps improving

  • Coaches or consultants should already have a packaged service or program to sell
  • Coaches or consultants should have a good idea of who their ideal clients are (but don’t necessarily need to know how or where to find them)

Course Duration: 60 Hours

Cost: $6000 CAD